TBL Task-Based Language Teaching


Mapa Mental sobre TBL Task-Based Language Teaching, creado por Kan P'eel Le' Eek' el 16/10/2018.
Kan P'eel Le' Eek'
Mapa Mental por Kan P'eel Le' Eek', actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kan P'eel Le' Eek'
Creado por Kan P'eel Le' Eek' hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

TBL Task-Based Language Teaching
  1. What's TBL?
    1. Students learn through task completion
      1. Focus on meaning rather than form
        1. Use of real world tasks
          1. Learners solve problems
          2. Practical and fucntional use of L2 (Zúñiga, 2016)
            1. It promotes integration of skills (Zúñiga, 2016)
            2. Task
              1. Collaborative work
                1. Use the language to complete the task
                  1. It has a gap (information, reasoning, and opinion)
                    1. Non-linguistic outome
                      1. Use of relaia
                        1. Extensive reading can be used
                          1. Very close to the real world
                          2. Theory
                            1. There are a number of authors that support TBL
                              1. Nunan (1999): Students use all four skills to complete the task. Students understand, manipulate, produce or interact in the classroom
                                1. Kurniasih (2011): TBL focuses on authentic learning and enhances the usage of language
                                  1. Richards and Rodgers (2001): TBL pormotes the creation of tasks that suit needs of learners
                                    1. Ellis (2009): In TBL students are expected to conduct creative actvities, infer meaning and communicate well their ideas
                                      1. Li (1998): TBL facilitates language learning. Learners are the center of language process. Promotes higher proficency levels
                                    2. Advantages
                                      1. Learners must use the target language to complete the task
                                        1. Different grammatical structures are used
                                          1. It encourages collaborative work
                                            1. Authentic material is used
                                              1. Learners focus on more than one aspect of the language
                                                1. Learning is meaningful for students
                                      2. Drawbacks
                                        1. Teachers must be careful when selecting material
                                          1. Motivation of learners and willingness to work in pairs or groups
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