Parkinsons Disease


Mapa Mental sobre Parkinsons Disease, creado por Alshaima Yousef el 18/10/2018.
Alshaima Yousef
Mapa Mental por Alshaima Yousef, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alshaima Yousef
Creado por Alshaima Yousef hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Parkinsons Disease
  1. Degenerative loss of dopaminergic neurons in the Substantia Nigra
    1. lesion in
      1. Basal Ganglia
          1. Pathways
            1. Result in Hypokinesia
            2. lewy bodies
            3. symptoms
              1. Rigidity
                1. Tremors
                  1. Types
                  1. Risk Factors
                    1. Gender
                      1. aging
                        1. ethnicity
                          1. genetics
                            1. trauma
                            2. Clinical features
                              1. Stages
                                1. 1: UNILATERAL tremor of on hand clumsy leg Rigidity one side of the face may be affected, impacting the expression
                                  1. 2:BILATERAL Decreased Blinking Speech abnormalities Rigidity of muscle Both sides of the face affected, impacting the expression
                                    1. 3: Loss of Balance Slowness of Movement
                                      1. 4: may be able to walk and stand unassisted, but they are noticeably incapacitated.
                                        1. 5: inability to rise from a chair or get out of bed without help have a tendency to fall when standing or turning freeze or stumble when walking hallucinations or delusions.
                                        2. Pharmacological treatment
                                          1. Epidemiology
                                            1. second most common age-related neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease
                                              1. 10 million people worldwide have Parkinson’s disease
                                                1. Men are 1.5 times more likely to have Parkinson’s than women.
                                                2. Psychotherapy
                                                  1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy
                                                    1. Interpersonal therapy
                                                      1. Behavioral therapy
                                                        1. Group therapy
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