Bussiness Accounting


Mapa Mental sobre Bussiness Accounting, creado por Maggie May Hosking el 02/11/2014.
Maggie May Hosking
Mapa Mental por Maggie May Hosking, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Maggie May Hosking
Creado por Maggie May Hosking hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Bussiness Accounting
  1. Glossary Of terms used
    1. Company- Busniess organisation owned by shareholders
      1. Financial period- Period of time usually 12 months in which financial reporting is done
        1. Financial Statements- reports prepared from accn Records
          1. ShareHolders- Collective name for owners of company
            1. Transaction- Any business deal of a financial nature
              1. Members- Collective name of owners of a CC
                1. Depreciation- the amount charged each year for the usage of depreciable fixed assets. As the allocation of the cost of the asset over its useful life
                2. Forms of companies
                  1. Sole Trader, no legal personality, limited life span no limited liability, owners manage, personal tax
                    1. Partnership- no legal personality, limited life span, 2-20 partners, jointly and severally liable for debts, partners manage, personal tax
                      1. Close Corportion- jurustic personality, seperate legal entity, unlimited life, 1-10 members, members have limited liability, members manage, company tax and tax on distributions
                        1. Companies- Juristic personality, seperate legal entity, 1-50 shareholders if private, if public min of 7 no max, BOD manage, Companies pay tax and tax on distributions
                        2. Users of Accn Informations
                          1. Primary Users- Ownership interest, providers of capital, investors
                            1. Secondary Users- Financial Interest, No ownership, Managements & employees
                              1. Tertiary Users- No Ownership, No Financial interest, Financial analysts, SARS, Government
                              2. Underlying Assumptions
                                1. Accrual Basis
                                  1. Going Concern
                                    1. Entity Convention
                                    2. The Qualitative Characteristics of Financial statements
                                      1. Understandability
                                        1. Reliability
                                          1. Relavance & Reliability
                                            1. Timeliness
                                              1. Cost/Benefit
                                              2. Comparability
                                                1. Materilality
                                                2. Asset- Controlled by business, Past event, Future benefit
                                                  1. Current
                                                    1. Realised within 12 months
                                                      1. Inventories
                                                      2. Non Current
                                                        1. Tangable
                                                          1. Property,Plant,Equipment
                                                          2. Intangable
                                                            1. BrandNames, Licenses, CopyRights
                                                        2. Liabitltiy- Obligation, past event, outflow of resouces
                                                          1. Current
                                                            1. Short Term (Within 12 Months)
                                                            2. NonCurrent
                                                              1. Long Term(Longer than normal operating cycle)
                                                            3. A=OE+L
                                                              1. Assets
                                                                1. Owners Equity
                                                                  1. Capital
                                                                    1. Income
                                                                      1. -Expenses
                                                                        1. -Dividends
                                                                          1. If OE is (-) business is insolvent
                                                                          2. Liabilities
                                                                          3. Depreciation------strightline method (Cost/UL)
                                                                            1. +A- -L+ +D- -I+ -C+ +E-
                                                                              1. No Gross Profit/Cost of sales for services rendered
                                                                                1. Selling Price = Original Cost + Mark up
                                                                                  1. Gross Profit= Sales- COS
                                                                                    1. COMPUTATIONAL COST OF SALES
                                                                                      1. Value of inventory @ Beginning of Period
                                                                                        1. + Purchases
                                                                                          1. = Cost of goods available for sale
                                                                                            1. -Value of Inventory @ End of period
                                                                                              1. =Cost of sales
                                                                                    2. Bad Debts
                                                                                      1. DR BAD DEBTS
                                                                                        1. CR ACC RECEIVABLE
                                                                                        2. SOFP
                                                                                          1. Assets
                                                                                            1. Non Current
                                                                                              1. Current
                                                                                              2. Total Assets
                                                                                                1. Equity (CDIE)
                                                                                                  1. Liabilities
                                                                                                    1. Current
                                                                                                      1. Non Current
                                                                                              3. Ratios
                                                                                                1. Profitability
                                                                                                  1. Efficiency
                                                                                                    1. Gearing
                                                                                                      1. Investment
                                                                                                      2. FIFO =First in first out
                                                                                                        1. Average Cost
                                                                                                        2. Periodic
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