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The Responsive, Responsible, Compassionate Reader
Mapa Mental sobre The Responsive, Responsible, Compassionate Reader, creado por Teresa Tharin el 02/11/2018.
Mapa Mental por
Teresa Tharin
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Teresa Tharin
hace alrededor de 6 años
Resumen del Recurso
The Responsive, Responsible, Compassionate Reader
Main idea #3: Responsible readers question the text.
What surprised you?
What did the author think you already knew?
What changed, challenged, or confirmed your thinking?
Question what the author has written.
Main idea #4: Responsible readers have a responsibility to oneself.
Value change.
Keep an open mind.
Do not misrepresent the text.
Respect both the words on the page and their own thoughts and values.
Main idea #1: Responsive readers alert to their own responses.
Aware of one's curiosity.
Aware of one's feelings.
Present in mind and heart.
Readers must be alert to their own reactions to the text.
Main idea #2: Responsive readers alert to the responses of other readers.
Aware of others' feelings.
Aware of others' curiosity.
What everyone makes of the text will be unique.
Readers must be alert to others' reactions.
Main idea #5: Compassionate readers.
Reading should evoke feelings.
See other points of view.
Read aesthetically.
Compassionate readers will be able to read well.
Recursos multimedia adjuntos
Compassion (binary/octet-stream)
Question The Text (binary/octet-stream)
Present In Mind And Heart (binary/octet-stream)
Open Mind (binary/octet-stream)
Aware Of Others (binary/octet-stream)
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