Unit 2: Contemporary Animals


Mapa Mental sobre Unit 2: Contemporary Animals, creado por Micaela Fleitas el 08/11/2018.
Micaela Fleitas
Mapa Mental por Micaela Fleitas, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Micaela Fleitas
Creado por Micaela Fleitas hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Unit 2: Contemporary Animals
    1. Life cycles
      1. Contemporary Art
        1. Pablo Fernandez - Pujol
          1. Biography
            1. Paintings
          2. Insects
            1. Parts of the body
              1. What can they do
                1. Insects and people
                  1. Helpful / Harmful
              2. COGNITION
                1. Hypothesize about images and videos
                  1. Identify specific vocabulary about insects
                    1. Describe insects
                      1. Recognize the different processes in a life cycle
                        1. Compare how insects might be helpful or harmful to people´s life
                          1. Produce a painting of an insect
                            1. Organise information in a chart
                            2. CULTURE
                              1. Respect the insect´s life cycles
                                1. Presentation with linking clases such as: biology and art
                                  1. Connect Spanish authors into the English culture
                                    1. Humans and insects interaction
                                    2. COMMUNICATION
                                      1. Language THROUGH learning
                                        1. Teacher´s feedback
                                          1. Dictionary Skills
                                            1. Possible language emerging through learning
                                            2. Language FOR learning
                                              1. Language to describe an insect
                                                1. Language to discuss about life cycles
                                                  1. Language to write a description
                                                    1. Language to discuss and debate
                                                      1. Language to analyze images
                                                      2. Language OF learning
                                                        1. Language of describing
                                                          1. Effective use of Present Simple
                                                          2. Key vocabulary and Structures
                                                            1. Insects
                                                              1. Names: grasshoppers,ladybugs,moths,mosquitoes,houseflies,beetles,dragonflies,butterflies,ants, bees, canterpillar, spider
                                                                1. IT´S A ...
                                                                2. Parts of the body: head, eskeleton, thorax, abdomen, legs, wings, tail, sting
                                                                  1. IT HAS A/ AN ...
                                                                  2. Ability: fly, jump, walk
                                                                    1. IT CAN ...
                                                                  3. Life cycles
                                                                    1. Keywords: egg, larva, pupa, adult
                                                                      1. Connectors of succession: First, Secondly, Thirdly, Finally.
                                                                        1. FIRST, IT´S A ....
                                                                3. FINAL OUTCOME: Create a painting of an insect and describe it.
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