IGNEOUS: Specifically The Rock Cycle


Mind map on Igneous/rock cycles
Sean Cleveland
Mapa Mental por Sean Cleveland, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sean Cleveland
Creado por Sean Cleveland hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

IGNEOUS: Specifically The Rock Cycle
    1. Weathering
      1. Transportation
        1. Erosion
          1. Deposition
            1. Burial
              1. Compaction
                1. Cementation
                  1. The sticking together of rock sediment (precipitation of minerals as cement)
                2. The process of sediment layers building up over time; by younger layers of sediment
                3. The placement/deposit of rock or sediment due to loss of energy
                4. Wearing away and smoothing of a rock by transportation
                5. The process of a rock being moved (sediment); water/wind/ice/gravity
                6. Breaking down of a rock due to either physical/biological/chemical elements
                7. MAGMA
                  1. IGNEOUS
                    1. SEDIMENTARY
                      1. METAMORPHIC
                        1. AND BACK...
                      2. PROCESS' INCLUDE
                        1. These...
                  2. DIAGENESIS
                    1. All of the previously mentioned processes at low temperatures and pressures at the earths surface (200° + 200 Mpa's)
                      1. This is what allows sediment from the rock cycle to become sedimentary
                        1. This process again...
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