David Lloyd George 1863-1945


A2 Mind Map on David Lloyd George 1863-1945
Mapa Mental por gordonbrad, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por gordonbrad hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

David Lloyd George 1863-1945
  1. Became Prime Minister in 1915
    1. Widely regarded as 'the man who won the war'.
      1. Resigned as PM in 1922 when the Conservatives left his coalition government.
        1. Died in 1945
          1. Some historians believe his aim in Versailles was simply to have popularity at home.
            1. Some regarded him as the most inspired and creative British statesman of the 20th century.
              1. His defenders claim that, of all the peacemakers, he had the most realistic post-war vision to reinforce his spell-binding skills as a negotiator.
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