Entrepreneur Concept


Mapa Mental sobre Entrepreneur Concept, creado por Termidzi Jamal el 05/12/2018.
Termidzi Jamal
Mapa Mental por Termidzi Jamal, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Termidzi Jamal
Creado por Termidzi Jamal hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Entrepreneur Concept
  1. Definition
    1. Create and build a vision
      1. Human creative act
        1. Willingness to take risks
        2. Agro Entrepreneur
          1. Transforming resources into goods and services
            1. From grain(low value) transform to baked bread (high value)
            2. Importance
              1. Technological Change
                1. Economic Change
                  1. Social Change
                    1. Key to economic development
                      1. Psychological Change
                        1. Risks and Rewards
                          1. Creation of Job
                            1. Creation of wealth
                            2. Characteristics
                              1. Effective leader
                                1. Innovative & Creative
                                  1. Abilities & Skills
                                    1. Motivation & Commitment
                                      1. Attitudes
                                        1. Strategy & Vision
                                          1. Planning & Organization
                                            1. Resources
                                            2. Difference
                                              1. Entrepreneurship
                                                1. Innovation
                                                  1. Fast growth
                                                    1. Vision
                                                      1. Money making
                                                        1. Higher Risk
                                                          1. Employment creation
                                                          2. Small Business
                                                            1. Little innovation
                                                              1. Slower growth
                                                                1. Little vision
                                                                  1. Family Business
                                                                    1. Low risk
                                                                      1. Earning a livehood
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