Bibliographic management applications (BMA)


TICs Estudios Ingleses Mapa Mental sobre Bibliographic management applications (BMA), creado por Luísa Aldao el 30/12/2018.
Luísa Aldao
Mapa Mental por Luísa Aldao, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Luísa Aldao
Creado por Luísa Aldao hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Bibliographic management applications (BMA)
  1. Creating
    1. Organising
      1. Managing
        1. Bibliographic references and lists of bibliographic references
    2. Commercial BMAs
      1. EndNote
        1. RefWorks
          1. Direct exportation of several references


            • Write-N-Cite: macro used by RefWorks to insert cites in your text
          2. Mendeley
            1. Comment on the body of the article (pdf version)


              • Web Importer: it allows to export references directly from databases
              1. Creation of groups
          3. Open Source
            1. Zotero
              1. Cite U Like
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