Sentences Types


Mapa Mental sobre Sentences Types, creado por Hannah McCormick el 18/11/2014.
Hannah McCormick
Mapa Mental por Hannah McCormick, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Hannah McCormick
Creado por Hannah McCormick hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Sentences Types
  1. Imperative Sentences
    1. direct instructions
      1. Sit down now
      2. Declarative Sentences
        1. State a fact
          1. point of veiw
            1. piece of imformation
              1. I like your jacket
              2. Exclamative Sentences
                1. express a strong reaction from writer or speaker
                  1. what a mess
                  2. Interrogative Sentences
                    1. request or seek information
                      1. Are you ready ?
                      2. Lengths
                        1. Simple
                          1. one main clause and 1 verb
                          2. Complex
                            1. at least one main clause and a subordinate clause
                            2. Compound
                              1. only one main clause, linked by words such as 'and' , 'but' or 'or'
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