1. Choosing A Business Name Without
Rights To An Online Presence
It is important for the company to be recognized on
the web and social networks, guaranteeing the
exclusive right
2. The Business Name Does Not
Comply With Applicable Legislation
the business name should be unique and not
confuse a consumer with the goods, services, or
trademarks of another business.
3. Failing To Trademark A
Business Name
You must take care of the registered
trademark and know the name and
business registered in the NUANS
4. Failing To Obtain
International Trademark
Copyright must recognize and
protect brands anywhere in
the world
6. Disclosing An Invention Outside
Of The Time Limitation To File A
Not revealing the invention
without the protections helps
not to lose the right of a patent
5. Failing To Properly Secure The
Intellectual Property Rights From
Co-Founders, Employees, Licenses Etc.
Guarantee the correct expenditure of
money in correct actions such as the
identification of founders or
contractors who are not employees of
another company.
Hermann Lehmann
Group: 212032_26
7. Failure To Sign Agreements
With Co-Founders
The actions "subject to granting" will
prevent a founder from leaving a
company and then returning once the
company obtains financing or becomes
8. Use Of Generic
Agreement And
By not customizing an NDA such
templates will not be included as
protected and may attract legal
9. Failing To Put Together A
Proper Pitch Deck Or Business
It is important for a business to have a
good business plan which can even be
a one page business plan.
10. (Unknowingly) Violating
Securities Laws
It’s important to not add any slides or
information regarding fundraising or
financing to potential investors