Problems Germany Faced 1919-1924


GCSE (Wiemar Germany) History Mapa Mental sobre Problems Germany Faced 1919-1924, creado por mickeyandbeth el 15/08/2013.
Mapa Mental por mickeyandbeth, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por mickeyandbeth hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Problems Germany Faced 1919-1924
  1. Surrender in World War 1
    1. Caused National Humiliation
      1. Many Germans saw their new government as traitors and cowards
      2. Economy almost destroyed by demands of War
        1. Few jobs for returning soilders
          1. Germans were starving, cold and disease ridden
            1. Allies continued their blockade until summer of 1919
            2. 1919 - Treaty of Versallies
              1. Seen as an insult to German Pride
                1. Reparations and loss of land further damaged the economy.
                  1. Many Germans turned against their Goverment
                  2. Political Extremists active against new Government
                    1. Communists try to take over Berlin and bloodily suppressed by Freikorps
                      1. 1920: Kapp Putsch / 1923: Beer Hall Putsch
                      2. 1923
                        1. French invasion of the Ruhr
                          1. Hyperinflation
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