Animal's form and function


Mapa Mental sobre Animal's form and function, creado por Léopoldine Tairou el 15/02/2019.
Léopoldine Tairou
Mapa Mental por Léopoldine Tairou, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Léopoldine Tairou
Creado por Léopoldine Tairou hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Animal's form and function
  1. Exchange with the environment
    1. Different types of exchanges : Gas exchanges,Nutrients and waste, Heat exchanges
      1. The amount of substances an animal needs to leave is proportional to the volume of a cell but the surface area for unit of volume ratio decrease as the cell gets bigger
        1. Also exchanges between the cells through exchange medium
        2. What makes an animal ?
          1. Several levels of organisation (cells, tissues, organs, system, organism)
            1. 4 types of tissues
              1. Epithelial
                1. Connective
                  1. Muscles
                    1. Nervous
                  2. Regulations
                    1. Homeostasis = dynamic state of equilibrium
                      1. Thermoregulation (=ability to keep the optimal body temperature even when the surrounding temperature is different)
                        1. Endotherm (use their metabolic heat) ≠ Endotherm (doesn't use metabolic heat)
                          1. Poikilotherm ( the body temperature varies) ≠ Homeotherm(the body temperature is constant)
                            1. 5 wayŝ of adaptationwhich help animal thermoregulation
                              1. Insulation
                                1. Regulation of blood circulation
                                  1. Vaporization
                                    1. Behavioral reactions
                                      1. Adjustment of metabolic heat production
                                  2. Energy acquisition
                                    1. Metabolic rate = quantity of energy used by an animal during a given time; it’s the sum of all the biochemical reactions associated to energy expense during this period
                                      1. Endotherms → basal metabolic rate (BMR)
                                        1. Ectotherm → standard metabolic rate (SMR)
                                          1. Link between energy and size, activity
                                            1. The smaller the organism's mass is, the higher its metabolic rate per mass of the body si
                                              1. The more active an animal is, the more energy must be expended to maintain that activity, and the higher its metabolic rate will be
                                              2. Torpor = tate of really low metabolism (lower than the BMR and SMR) and decreased activity that allows animals to survive in unfavorable conditions and/or conserve energy
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