ESL Approaches and Methodologies


ESL Methods and Approaches
Cameron Snider
Mapa Mental por Cameron Snider, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Cameron Snider
Creado por Cameron Snider hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

ESL Approaches and Methodologies
  1. Cognitive approach - focus on the understanding of information and ideas.
    1. CALLA Method - explicit teaching to understand and tactically apply metacognitive, cognitive, and social/affective strategies.
      1. Topics from the major content subjects, development of academic language, explicit instruction
        1. Language is a functional tool for learning academic subject matter.
        2. Learning through social interaction and cultural context
          1. Cognitive-Social Model of Learning - people learn from one another through observation, imitation and modeling.
            1. Preparation, Presentation, Practice, Self-Evaluation, Expansion
          2. Communicative approach - students produce authentic language and communicate with others.
            1. Sheltered Instruction - a method that integrates language and content.
              1. Design content-driven instruction, make content accessible, foster language use.
                1. SIOP - variation of the sheltered instruction method that is used to make grade-level content and academic language comprehensible for all students.
                  1. Lesson preparation, building background, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, practice/application, review and assessment
                2. Silent Way - an alternative approach that emphasizes learner autonomy and active participation through the use of silence and gesture.
                  1. Teacher uses silence and gesture as a tool to elicit a response from the learner. Emphasis on pronunciation and meaningful context.
                  2. Suggestopedia - relies on the power of suggestion for acquiring language knowlledge.
                    1. Positive suggestion makes the learner more receptive and stimulates learning.
                      1. Low Affective filter
                      2. Music, safe and comfortable environment, dramatic read-aloud
                      3. Integrated content-based method - integrates language and content instruction to provide students with contextualized learning experiences that support the development of language proficiency and academic knowledge and skills.
                        1. Authentic activities linked to specific subject matter topics incorporated within a theme.
                      4. Grammatical approach - learners acquire language most effectively by memorizing language rules and sentence patterns in a methodical, sequential curriculum.
                        1. Direct - establish an immediate and audio visual association between experience and expression, words and phrases, idioms and meanings, rules and performance through the teachers body and mental skills, without any help of the learner's L1.
                          1. Immersion in target language.
                            1. Question/answer pattern, gesture, realia, visual supports.
                              1. Grammar is taught using an inductive approach. Learners find out the rules through input in the target language.
                              2. Natural approach - less emphasis on practice and more emphasis on exposure to input and reducing affective factors.
                                1. Designed to foster natural language acquisition, much like a child would learn their native language.
                                  1. Teacher speaks only the target language.
                                  2. Grammar-translation - students learn grammatical rules then apply those rules by translating sentences between the target language and the native language.
                                    1. Grammar rules are learned deductively.
                                      1. Focus on reading, writing and grammatical accuracy.
                                        1. Explicit instruction, memorization, repetition, drill.
                                        2. Audio-lingual - presentation of patterned drills and dialogue designed to develop grammatical structures and vocabulary in a highly sequenced manner.
                                          1. Based on behaviorist theory that anything can be learned through conditioning.
                                            1. Inductive learning of grammar.
                                              1. Oral pattern drills of key structures.
                                                1. Error correction through consistent feedback
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