Psychodynamic Methodology


AS level PY2 Mapa Mental sobre Psychodynamic Methodology, creado por oliviaclifton el 26/11/2014.
Mapa Mental por oliviaclifton, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por oliviaclifton hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Psychodynamic Methodology
  1. Case Studies
    1. Unique insight into mind, study in depth and detail.
      1. Stengths; High in Validity, Individual differences, Qualitative Data
        1. Weaknesses; Low in Reliability, Lack of Quantitative Data, Ethical Issues
        2. Clinical Interviews
          1. Unique insight into mind, study in depth and detail. One person or groups.
          2. Anna O
            1. Paralysis, hallucination, loss appetite, wouldn't drink.
              1. Remembered disgusted memory, banished problem.
                1. Child sexual abuse
                  1. Fantasised she had Breurs child, he discontinued treatment.
                  2. Wolfman
                    1. Reacurring wolf nightmares, sexually abused after sisters suicide.
                      1. depression after treatment, never really cured
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