Mrs Midas - Duffy


A mindmap analysing Carol Ann Duffy's poem 'Mrs Midas'.
Heloise Tudor
Mapa Mental por Heloise Tudor, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Heloise Tudor
Creado por Heloise Tudor hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Mrs Midas - Duffy
  1. 1st Stanza
    1. "its steamy breath gently". Tech: Personification and adverb.


      • The personification of the kitchen and the use of the adverb "gently" creates a pleasant atmosphere.
      • "steamy breath" is more sensual. It could either mean literally cooking hot food, or be symbolic of passion within their home & relationship.
    2. 2nd Stanza
      1. "sat in his palm like a lightbulb". Tech: Simile.


        • The fruit is glowing because it turned into gold.
        1. "On." Tech: Minor sentence.


          • Intensifies the brightness of the metaphorical lightbulb and shows Mrs Midas's surprise.
          1. "drink the light". Tech: Metaphor.


            • There's a loss of hope. "Dark" and "light" are antonymns. Repetition of the 'd' sound fits in with this idea.
          2. 3rd Stanza
            1. "strange, wild, vain". Tech: Rule of 3/triplet and adjectives.


              • All 3 of these words are adjectives and they portray Midas's change of emotion and personality and even mental stability.
            2. 4th Stanza
              1. "spitting out the teeth of the rich". Tech: Metaphor.


                • Midas was eating corn on the cob, and teeth are of a similar shape to corn. So he was spitting out bits of corn he'd turned to gold - that were the shape of teeth. Only wealthy people would have golden teeth.
                1. "I poured with a shaking hand". Tech: 'shaking' adjective.


                  • The adjective tells us Mrs Midas is nervous.
                  1. "glass, goblet, golden chalice". Tech: Alliteration and triplet.


                    • Alliteration of the 'g' sound, which is harsh showing she's appalled. 'G' is also a swallowing sound to convey fear, it's gluttoral.
                    • The triplet of words also shows a progression from an ordinary vessel to one of value.
                  2. 5th Stanza
                    1. "I moved the phone." Tech: Listing and short/simple sentences.


                      • Gives the feeling of routine, organisation and robotic actions.Mrs Midas is attempting to control the situation.
                    2. 6th Stanza
                      1. "But who has wishes granted?" Tech: Rhetorical question.


                        • Mrs Midas is disbelieving. There's a conversational tone; she's asking the reader to agree with her. Play on words/pun with "granted" and "granted".
                      2. 7th Stanza
                        1. "tomb of Tutankhamun". Tech: Alliteration.


                          • Alliteration of 't' (plosive). Almost like a tutting sound, it shows Mrs Midas's annoyance.
                          • It's a metaphor for the house being full of gold with the literal meaning of Tutankhamun's grave being filled with gold.
                          • It's also another reference to Midas being a king, or in this case a Pharoh. Gives him status or it could be mocking/sarcastic. Links to the title and the use of "king" in the 3rd stanza.
                          1. "unwrapping each other, rapidly, like presents, fast food". Tech: Metaphor, adverb and simile.


                            • "unwrapping each other" - metaphor. They enjoyed each other.
                            • "rapidly" - adverb. There was a desperation in their lovemaking.
                            • "like presents" - simile. This conveys gentleness.
                            • However, "fast food" suggests their lovemaking lacked quality. Perhaps it was too rushed, and lacked depth. Or it could mean they craved and were hungry for each other.
                          2. 8th Stanza
                            1. "ore" and "amber". Tech: Semantic field of gold.


                              • In 8th stanza "ore" and "amber" are used, both these words come from the sematic field of gold. But this semantic field runs throughhout the poem, e.g. "honeyed" in the 7th stanza.
                              • The constant references to gold suggest that it's taking over their lives. It even infiltrates Mrs Midas's dreams in the 8th stanza.
                            2. 9th Stanza
                              1. "sat in the back". Tech: Assonance.


                                • Assonance of the 'a' sound in "sat" and "back". Probably puts across Mrs Midas's anger.
                                1. "the woman who married the fool". Tech: 3rd person.


                                  • She's ashamed of herself or perhaps this is the reputation she recieved or feared getting.
                                2. 10th Stanza
                                  1. "beautiful lemon mistake". Tech: adjective.


                                    • The adjective "beautiful" is positive and awe-struck, but it's then followed by "mistake" which shows her regret and how Midas messed up.
                                    1. "He was thin, delirious". Tech: Adjectives. "That was the last straw." Tech: Short sentence.


                                      • Midas is wasting away and going mad. As shown by the chosen adjectives. Yet Mrs Midas  acts very cold and uncaring - she appears selfish for not caring about his suffering. Her irritation is shown by the short sentence.
                                    2. 11th Stanza
                                      1. "Pure selfishness." Tech: Irony, short sentence and structure point.


                                        • The short sentence again shows how irritated Mrs Midas is about Midas. But the quote contains irony, as she may be calling him selfish for wishing for gold, but in reality she's selfish for caring more about their failed relationship than his health.
                                        • Her self-absorbsion is shown nicely by this quote being surrounded by the words "me" and "I".
                                        1. "his warm hands on my skin, his touch." Tech: ending phrase and pronoun.


                                          • On one hand, the last line of the poem shows regret and makes the reader feel some sympathy. However, it again portrays Mrs Midas's self-absorbsion because she's focusing more on the parts of their relationship that benefited her.
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