Triple Biology Unit 1


GCSE GCSE Mapa Mental sobre Triple Biology Unit 1, creado por liz simpson el 29/11/2014.
liz simpson
Mapa Mental por liz simpson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
liz simpson
Creado por liz simpson hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Triple Biology Unit 1
  1. LUNGS
    1. WHEN BREATH IN, the chest expands, cavity increases reducing the pressure inside, THE DIAPHRAM moves down and ribs move up and out
      1. WHEN BREATHING OUT, volume of cavity decreases, increasing pressure forcing air out. diaphram up, ribs contract and down.
        1. Alveoli
          1. large surface area, thin cell membrane, good blood supply, many of them
            1. gaseous exchange occurs here
              1. exchange CO2 OUT of the bloodstream, O2 INTO the blood stream
                1. blood capillary
              2. ADAPTED
                1. 2 smaller lungs, increase surface area. moist lining , lungs expand, 2 large surface area, easier absorbtion of air. small alveoli with large surface area. very thin cell membrane easy to absorb oxygen and transport it.
                1. Diffusion
                  1. diffusion is the spreading out of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
                    1. happens in
                      1. plants
                        1. photosynthesis, water movement.
                        2. animals
                          1. lungs, digestion
                      2. Active Transport
                        1. opposite to Diffusion and uses energy from respiration, from a low concentration to a high concentration
                          1. happens in
                            1. gut, plant roots
                        2. Osmosis
                          1. Osmosis is the movement of WATER molecules across a PARTIALLY PERMEABLE MEMBRANE from a region of HIGH WATER CONCENTRATION to a region of LOW WATER CONCENTRATION
                          2. Phloem
                            1. Sugar Transportation
                              1. living cells
                                1. need energy which is transported from cell to cell in the form of dissolved sugars
                              2. GUT
                                1. VILLI
                                  1. big SURFACE AREA, single layer of surface cells. v.good blood supply
                                    1. digested food absorded more easily
                                    2. small intestine
                                  2. Absorbtion in Plants
                                    1. stoma/stomata in the leaf takes in CO2
                                      1. spongy - absorbs water,
                                        1. holes underside of leaf.
                                        2. Plant Transport
                                          1. root hair cell
                                            1. have thin cell membranes, large surface area and good transport.
                                        3. Photosynthesis
                                          1. CARBON DIOXIDE + WATER => OXYGEN+GLUCOSE
                                            1. light + chlorophyll
                                            2. Xylem
                                              1. dead hollow tubes
                                                1. water and mineral transportation
                                                  1. strong-help support the plant
                                                  2. Transpiration
                                                    1. the rate of transpiration is how water moves through the plant.
                                                      1. Affected by: light intensity, temperature, air movement, decrease in humidity
                                                      2. as light intensifies, more stomata open up, however when all stomata are open, the rate of transipation cannot increase.
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