Tools and structures


1º de ESO Tecnología Mapa Mental sobre Tools and structures, creado por Miriam Ascacibar el 14/03/2019.
Miriam Ascacibar
Mapa Mental por Miriam Ascacibar, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Miriam Ascacibar
Creado por Miriam Ascacibar hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Tools and structures
  1. Structural elements
    1. Profiles
      1. Beams
        1. Columns
          1. Straps
            1. Tensioners
              1. Roof Truss
              2. Structures types according to their rigidity
                1. Rigid strutures
                  1. Elastic structures
                  2. Structures types according to their shape
                    1. Massive structures
                      1. Laminar or case structures
                        1. Frame structures
                          1. Triangular structures
                            1. net structures
                              1. hanging structures
                            2. Efforts
                              1. Traction
                                1. Compression
                                  1. Bending
                                    1. Shear
                                      1. Torsion
                                      2. Tools
                                        1. Hammer
                                          1. Drill
                                            1. mallet
                                              1. toolbox
                                                1. screw
                                                  1. washer
                                                    1. nail
                                                      1. Screw driver
                                                        1. pliers
                                                          1. vice
                                                            1. chisel
                                                              1. spanner
                                                                1. hacksaw
                                                                  1. file
                                                                    1. Rasp
                                                                      1. sandpaper
                                                                        1. bit braxe
                                                                          1. hot melted gun
                                                                            1. tape measure
                                                                              1. duct tape
                                                                                1. clamp
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