Khawla has Complications


Mapa Mental sobre Khawla has Complications, creado por Alia Rashed el 18/03/2019.
Alia Rashed
Mapa Mental por Alia Rashed, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alia Rashed
Creado por Alia Rashed hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Khawla has Complications
  1. Renal filtrarion
    1. filtration barrier
      1. Capillary endothelium fenestrated
        1. Basement membrane homogeneous negativity charged glycoprotein/ mucopolysaccharide
          1. capsular epithelial - podocytes & foot processes
        2. Composition of filtrate depends filtration barrier
          1. Easily filtered
            1. Major Electrolytes: Metabolic waste products: metabolites; non-natural substances; inulin; PAH (p-aminohippric acid); law weight protein & peptides
              1. Not freely filtered
                1. Albumin and other plasma protein; lipid-solubale substances transported in the plasma attached to protein such as; lipid soluble bilirubin; T4 (thyroxine); other lipid-soluble hormones; unbounded lipid-soluble substances such as free cortisol are filtered and can appear in the urine
      2. Kidney anatomy
        1. Retro-peritoneally in the posterior abdominal wall by the side of the vertebral column
          1. T12 to L3 vertebrae
            1. Renal coverings
              1. 1 fibrous capsule. 2 perinephric fat. 3 renal fascia. 4 paranephric fat
        2. Classification of renal diseases
          1. Chronic
            1. Acute
            2. edema
              1. generalized
                1. Cardiac failure
                  1. Nephrotic syndrome
                  2. Organ specific
                    1. Nephrotic syndrome
                      1. Lymph obstruction
                        1. Contact dermatitis
                        2. Causes
                          1. increased hydrostatic pressure
                            1. increased tissue colloidal or oncotic pressure
                              1. Obstruction of fluid clearance in the lymphatic system
                                1. increased blood vessel wall pemeability (e.g inflammation)
                                  1. reduced colloidal or oncotic pressure within blood vessels
                                2. proteinuria
                                  1. High fever
                                    1. Orthostatic proteinuria (in children)
                                      1. After vigorous exercise
                                        1. early in morning dehydration
                                          1. Congestive heart failure
                                            1. Urinary tract infection
                                              1. glomerular pathology (e.g gloverulonephritis or diabetes)
                                              2. NEG of vascular basement membrane leads to hyaline arteriolosclerosis
                                                1. High filtration injury that leads to sclerosis of mesanguim
                                                  1. Diabetic nephronpathy
                                                    1. signs & symptoms
                                                      1. Nausea & vomiting
                                                        1. loss of appetite
                                                          1. Worsening blood pressure control
                                                            1. confusion of difficulty concentrating
                                                              1. swelling of feet, ankles, hands, or eyes
                                                                1. increased need to urinate
                                                                  1. protein in the urine
                                                              2. investigation of kidney disease
                                                                1. nitrites, lukocytes esterase
                                                                  1. Hematuria
                                                                    1. color clarity gravity
                                                                      1. glucose ketones
                                                                        1. bilirubin urobiligen
                                                                          1. proteinrea
                                                                            1. glomerular
                                                                              1. overflow
                                                                                1. tubular
                                                                                  1. functional
                                                                                2. staling forces which determine GFR or glumerular filtration rate
                                                                                  1. Treatment
                                                                                    1. dialysis
                                                                                      1. kidney - pancreas transplant
                                                                                        1. diet monitering
                                                                                          1. medication
                                                                                            1. ACE inhibitors & ARBs are mainly the only drugs that actually slow down the the progression of nephewrophathy
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                                                                                          THE ANIMALS
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