Grave's disease


Complex Mapa Mental sobre Grave's disease, creado por Tafe Teachers SB el 19/03/2019.
Tafe Teachers SB
Mapa Mental por Tafe Teachers SB, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tafe Teachers SB
Creado por Tafe Teachers SB hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Grave's disease
  1. Autoimmune disease where the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. Antibodies attack thyroid tissue which causes it to become overactive.
    1. Goitre
      1. Weight loss despite increased appetite
        1. Anxiety
          1. Restlessness
            1. Tachycardia
              1. Irritability
                1. Tremor
                  1. Fatigue
                    1. Vision problems
                      1. Insomnia
                        1. Changes in menstration
                          1. Fertility problems
                            1. Bulging eyes
                              1. Diarrhoea
                                1. Heart palpitations
                                  1. Muscle weakness
                                    1. Difficulty controlling diabetes
                                      1. Monitor BGL's, dietitian referral, monitor dietary intake, vital signs.
                                        1. Heart failure
                                          1. Thyroidectomy, beta blockers for cardiovascular issues, medications to suppress thyroid
                                            1. Comfortable sleeping environment, education about not smoking and lifestyle changes such as increase exercises, ensure compliance with diet, proper eye care including cold compression on eyes, wearing proper eye care, lubricating eyes and elevating head to reduce pressure on the eyes.
                                              1. Support groups :)
                                                1. Blood test to test TSH, T3 and T4 levels
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