Long term endocrine disorder where the
adrenal glands do not produce enough
steroid hormones (cortisol and
Progressive weakness
Weight loss
Assess vital signs, look for signs of
fluid volume deficiency and
electrolyte imbalance, monitor
serum glucose, potassium and
sodium trends, correct fluid and
electrolyte imbalances, daily weight
and keep the patient away from
stressful situations.
Most common cause is autoimmune
adrenalitis which can arise in
isolation or as an autoimmune
polyglandular syndrome. Also
secondary adrenal insufficiency
which arises from pituitary or
hypothalamic dysfunction or failure
caused by tumours, radiation,
infiltration, trauma or surgery.
Darkening of the skin
Low BP, low BGL
'Addison's Disease'
Addisonian Crisis - life
threatening emergency in
patient's with primary class
adisonian crisis or secondary
adrenal failure.
Diagnosis - test blood
and urine to test for
If elevated ACTH then
the patient is
positive for adrenal