The 3 eras of globalization


Mapa Mental sobre The 3 eras of globalization, creado por 5Lena5 el 02/12/2014.
Mapa Mental por 5Lena5, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por 5Lena5 hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

The 3 eras of globalization
  1. Globalization 1.0
    1. from size large to size medium
      1. countries & muscles as the dynamic force of global integration -> counties globalizing
        1. the extent of brawn & the use of that
        2. 1492 (Columbus) - 1800
          1. breaking down walls & knittig the world together
          2. Globalization 2.0
            1. 1800 - 2000
              1. interrupted by the Great Depression & World War I + II
              2. from size medium to size small
                1. multinational companies as key agent of global integration -> companies globalizing
                  1. 2 periods of powering the global integration
                    1. 1. by falling transportation costs
                      1. 2. by falling telecommunication costs
                      2. birth & maturation of global economy
                        1. global market develops
                        2. breakthroughs in hardware as dynamic force
                        3. Globalisation 3.0
                          1. start right around the year 2000
                            1. from size small to size tiny
                              1. flattering the playing field
                                1. newfound power for individuals as dynamic force of globalisation -> individuals globalizing
                                  1. people have more power to go globals as individuals
                                    1. collaborating & competing globally
                                    2. differences to globalization 1 + 2
                                      1. way of shrinking & flattering the world
                                        1. way of empowering the individuals
                                          1. driven by individuals & diverse groups (not only by Europeans & Americans)
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