ROGER’s Painful Toe


Mapa Mental sobre ROGER’s Painful Toe, creado por Fatima Alkhateeb el 29/03/2019.
Fatima Alkhateeb
Mapa Mental por Fatima Alkhateeb, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Fatima Alkhateeb
Creado por Fatima Alkhateeb hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

ROGER’s Painful Toe
  1. Biochemistry of purine metabolism
    1. DDx of Big Toe Pain
      1. Trauma
        1. Arthritis
          1. Hallux Valgus (Bunion)
            1. Hallux rigidus
            2. Sesamoiditis
            3. Gout
              1. Primary gout (90%)
                1. Overproducation of uric acid
                  1. Decreased excretion of uric acid
                    1. Alcohol consumption
                      1. Renal failure
                      2. Diet (seafood, red meat)
                        1. Fructose containing cyrup
                          1. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy
                        2. Secondary gout (10%)
                          1. Increased cell turnover
                            1. Inborn errors of metabolism
                          2. Pathogenesis
                            1. Risk factors
                              1. Age
                                1. Genetics
                                  1. Obesity
                                    1. Medications
                                      1. Thiazides
                                        1. Low-dose aspirin
                                2. Signs and symptoms
                                  1. Podagra
                                    1. Tophi
                                      1. Swollen inflamed joint
                                    2. Complications
                                      1. Joint deformity
                                        1. Osteoarthritis
                                          1. Renal stones
                                            1. Sinus may be infected
                                3. Pseudogout
                                  1. Deposition of Calcium Pyrophosphate crystals
                                    1. Causes
                                      1. Hyperparathyroidism
                                        1. Hemochromatosis
                                          1. Etidronate disodium therapy
                                            1. Angiography
                                  2. Investigations
                                    1. X-ray
                                      1. CBC
                                        1. Joint aspiration
                                          1. Biochemical tests
                                            1. Uric acid levels
                                              1. BUN levels
                                    2. Management
                                      1. Acute gouty arthritis
                                        1. NSAIDs
                                          1. Corticosteroids
                                            1. Colchicine
                                        2. Hyperuricemia
                                          1. Xanthine oxidase inhibitors
                                            1. Uricoseric drugs
                                              1. Probenecid
                                                1. Pegloticase
                                              2. Allopurinol
                                          2. Prognoisis
                                            1. Treatable with good prognosis if treated directly
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