Passing dark colored urine


Mapa Mental sobre Passing dark colored urine, creado por zainab ahmed el 01/04/2019.
zainab ahmed
Mapa Mental por zainab ahmed, actualizado hace más de 1 año
zainab ahmed
Creado por zainab ahmed hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Passing dark colored urine
  1. Urinary bladder
    1. Bladder Tumors
      1. Benign
        1. Papilloma
          1. Leiomyoma
        2. Malignant
          1. Urothelial Tumor
            1. Squamous cell carcinoma
              1. Adenocarcinoma
                1. Rhabdomyosarcoma
        3. Grading and staging
          1. Renal Cysts
            1. cystic renal dysplasia
              1. AD-polycystic KD
                1. ARPKD
                  1. Medullary cysts
                    1. dialysis associated cysts
                      1. simple renal cysts
            2. Investigations
              1. urine cytology
                1. Cystometry
                  1. Urinalysis
                    1. urine culture
                      1. rine tumor markers
                        1. cystoscopy
              2. Schistosoma
                1. Epidemiology
                  1. Diagnosis
                    1. Microscopy
                      1. ELISA
                        1. Biopsy
                    2. Treatment
                      1. Praziquantel
                      2. Pathogenesis
                        1. S.Haematobium
                          1. Painless terminal Hematuria
                          2. S.mansoni & S.japonicum
                            1. Abdominal pain
                              1. Bloody diarrhea
                                1. Portal hypertension
                          3. Lifecycle
                          4. Physiology of Micturition
                            1. Urinary diversion
                              1. Neohrostomy
                                1. Urostomy
                                  1. Neobladder-to-urethral diversion
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