Chicago and The World


Mapa Mental sobre Chicago and The World, creado por Andres Restrepo el 04/04/2019.
Andres Restrepo
Mapa Mental por Andres Restrepo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Andres Restrepo
Creado por Andres Restrepo hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Chicago and The World
  1. Learning English as a Second Language
    1. City of Chicago
      1. Chicago History
        1. The streets of city
          1. Learn Meaning of grade level vocabulary
          2. Decode and use adverbs Correctly write adverbs
          3. The Chicago Museums
            1. Science Museum
              1. Monitor and adjust Comprehension
              2. Science and Industry Museum
                1. Read grade level text with varied intonation patterns Summarize text using visual support
                2. History Museum
                  1. Identify the sequence of events in a story
                  2. Monitor and adjust comprehension.
                  3. Produce drawing, phrases or short sentences to show understanding of lesson vocabulary
                    1. The Chicago River
                      1. The river in 1800
                        1. Write phrases and sentences with adversbs
                        2. Write paragraphs using narrative language
                        3. Write paragraphs using Descriptive language
                        4. Cities around the World
                          1. Paris
                            1. Where is the Effel Tower?
                            2. Rome
                              1. A History of the Colosseum
                              2. Madrid
                                1. Paseo de las Delicias, Madrid in art
                                2. Buenos Aires
                                  1. City Busplaza de Mayo :historical, political and foundational epicenter
                                  2. Mumbai
                                    1. Siddhivinayak Temple and more buildings in Mumbai
                                    2. Mexico
                                      1. Historic center of Mexico City
                                    3. Learning Population
                                      1. Concepts
                                        1. Content Objectives
                                          1. Monitor and adjust oral comprehension
                                            1. Identify the difference between compare and contrast
                                              1. Monitor and adjust comprehension
                                              2. Language Objectives
                                                1. Understanding Vocabulary
                                                  1. Learning meaning of grade level
                                                    1. Produce drawing, phrases, show understanding vocabulary
                                                      1. Compare and contrast
                                                        1. Chicago and other cities
                                                          1. Write sentences using compare and contrast concept
                                                        2. Summarize text using visual support
                                                    2. Why students learn to fast when they interact to each other?
                                                      1. How does student's environment impact their way to learn?
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