Count and non-count nouns


Mapa Mental sobre Count and non-count nouns, creado por ERIKA ABIGAIL PINEDA HERNANDEZ el 06/04/2019.
Mapa Mental por ERIKA ABIGAIL PINEDA HERNANDEZ, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ERIKA ABIGAIL PINEDA HERNANDEZ hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Count and non-count nouns
  1. Count nouns
    1. -Can be used in plural form, usually with "s" or "es".
      1. They want to buy bananas
      2. -Can be used with definite articles "the" and indefinite articles "a" and "an".
        1. Ana is eating an apple
        2. Non-count nouns
          1. Usually can not be expressed in plural form
            1. I am cooking beef meat
            2. Can not be used with indefinite articles.
              1. Can be used with definite articles
                1. You have the juice
                2. Can be used without an article
                  1. We are eating fruit
                  2. Quantifiers
                    1. Many
                      1. I have many apples
                        1. There are many tomatoes
                      2. Much
                        1. I have much water
                          1. There are much sugar
                      3. Measure words for food
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