Walden Chapter 17: Spring


Mapa Mental sobre Walden Chapter 17: Spring, creado por Aziz Hanna el 14/04/2019.
Aziz Hanna
Mapa Mental por Aziz Hanna, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Aziz Hanna
Creado por Aziz Hanna hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Walden Chapter 17: Spring
  1. Thoreau watches for spring to finally arrive.
    1. The ice in Walden pond still hasn't melted yet because the pond is so deep.
      1. The movement of ice against the shore was like a great rumbling sound.
      2. Thoreau compares nature to the human body saying that the patterns that form to blood vessels are the same as the patterns that form to leaves.
      3. When spring arrives, Thoreau observes how nature changes from winter to spring.
        1. Buds and leaves begin to appear.
          1. Birds are flying overhead.
            1. Animals are beginning to move around.
              1. Thoreau begins to fish again.
                1. Thoreau believes that nature can teach us to forgive and refresh ourselves and start new, just like the transition from winter to spring.
                2. Thoreau leaves Walden Ponds on September 6, 1847 after living there for 2 years, 2 months and 2 days.
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