Water Management


GCSE Geography Mapa Mental sobre Water Management, creado por rebecca e el 17/04/2019.
rebecca e
Mapa Mental por rebecca e, actualizado hace más de 1 año
rebecca e
Creado por rebecca e hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Water Management
  1. increasing water consumption
    1. growth of world's population
      1. economic development
        1. more irrigation to produce food
        2. factors affecting water availability
          1. geology
            1. water in permeable rock
            2. climate
              1. pollution
                1. over-abstraction
                2. strategies to increase water supply
                  1. diverting water
                    1. stored in alluvial salts
                      1. eg Oklahoma, USA
                    2. dams and reservoirs
                      1. advantages
                        1. control river flow
                          1. prevent flooding
                          2. disadvantages
                            1. expensive
                              1. displacement of many
                                1. reduce flow downstream
                              2. desalination
                                1. remove salt from seawater
                                2. water transfer
                                  1. eg Lesotho Highland Water Project
                                    1. 40% water in R. Segu transferred to R. Vaal
                                      1. advantages
                                        1. Lesotho
                                          1. 75% GDP
                                            1. covers all hydro-electric requirements
                                            2. South Africa
                                              1. safe water for extra 10%
                                                1. reduces acidity of R. Vaal
                                              2. disadvantages
                                                1. Lesotho
                                                  1. 30 000 displaced by 1st two dams
                                                    1. destruction of wetland
                                                      1. corruption
                                                      2. South Africa
                                                        1. US$4 billion
                                                          1. 40% lost through leakages
                                                  2. sustainable water supply
                                                    1. eg Wakel River Basin Project
                                                      1. issues
                                                        1. over-irrigation
                                                          1. waterlogging and salinisation
                                                        2. increasing supply
                                                          1. taankas
                                                            1. underground storage systems
                                                              1. water from roofs
                                                              2. johed
                                                                1. earth dams
                                                                2. pats
                                                                  1. irrigation channels to fields
                                                              3. groundwater management
                                                                1. abstraction balanced by recharge
                                                                2. using grey water
                                                                  1. in Jordan, 70% of irrigation is grey water
                                                                  2. recycling
                                                                    1. eg in nuclear power plants
                                                                  3. impacts of water insecurity
                                                                    1. waterborne diseases
                                                                      1. water pollution
                                                                        1. eg River Ganges, India
                                                                          1. 1 billion litres of raw sewage enter river each day
                                                                            1. toxic chemicals and pesticides
                                                                          2. food production
                                                                            1. agriculture uses 70% of water
                                                                            2. water conflict
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