A short voluntary prayer was organized for the start of each school day by the New York Board of Regents
The prayer was unconstitutional
Incorporated the Establishment Clause to the states
Wisconsin v. Yoder
Amish parents did not send children to public school in high school because it went against their religious beliefs. This action was against a Wisonsin ordinance.
Ordinance was deemed unconstitutional
Incorporated the Free Exercise Clause to the states
Shenck v. United States
Leaflets were distributed urging people to disobey the draft
Criticizing the draft is not protected under the First Amendment
First amendment rights could not harm the countries' national security
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District
Students wore armbands to show their support for a truce in the Vietnam War but were prevented due to a policy just created to ban armbands
The policy against armbands was deemed unconstitutional
Free speech rights applied to students on school grounds
New York Times Company v. United States
New York Times attempted to print papers on classified Department of Defense information but were prevented by the government
Prior restraint by the government was unconstitutional
Upheld freedom of the press unless the government had a clearly defined national security interest involved.
Roe v. Wade
Woman was seeking an abortion but was prevented by Texas law
Texas law deemed unconstitutional
Created the right to an abortion as a right to privacy
McDonald v. Chicago
Chicago had multiple gun bans
Gun bans deemed unconstitutional
Incorporation of the second amendment to the states