Ancient Rome


Tomas Prada
Mapa Mental por Tomas Prada, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tomas Prada
Creado por Tomas Prada hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Ancient Rome
  1. The fall Roman empire? The roman empire fall because are very biger that dont cant protect all the empire.
    1. The continents that the roman empire conquist? Afirica and Europe.
      1. what are the punic wars? The punic were a series of three wars fought between rome and carthage
        1. The most enimes of roman? Germanies ,goths, greeks.
          1. how are Marcus Tullus Ciero? He was a politic an a philosofer that they speches in latin and he was from Italy .
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