King Arthur


Mapa Mental sobre King Arthur, creado por Marçal Vilà i Pla el 11/12/2014.
Marçal Vilà i Pla
Mapa Mental por Marçal Vilà i Pla, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Marçal Vilà i Pla
Creado por Marçal Vilà i Pla hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

King Arthur
  1. Characters
    1. Sir Lancelot
      1. Sir Galahad
        1. King Arthur
          1. Queen Guinevere
            1. Uther Pendragon
              1. Merlin
                1. Morgana La Fey
                  1. Lady Nimue
                    1. Sir Ector
                      1. Kay
    2. When
      1. In 450 A.D.
      2. The plot
        1. King Arthur goes to Canterbury, he hasn't got his sword, he goes to his castle and see a lot of men, he pull the excalibur, and he was the king. Her half-sister encant her husband to kill him. Sir Lancelot save ladies from two giants, he returned to the castle and an old man talk him to go to his monastery, and see Galahad, his son, and name him, knight of the round table. And Sir Galahad is the best knight, the see the holy grail, and Sir Lancelot throw down the stairs, and Sir Galahad died
        2. Where
          1. Irreal
            1. Camelot
              1. Avalon
            2. Real
              1. Canterbury
            3. Legend
              1. The legend of King Arthur is a well-known story
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