Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of indirect restorative materials.
Dental Technology Mapa Mental sobre Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of indirect restorative materials., creado por Alice Dolman el 03/05/2019.
Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of indirect restorative
Common indirect dental restorations include crowns, bridges, veneers, dentures, inlays and onlays. Direct tooth
restorations are those that can be done in one procedure in one dentist office visit.
Improved physical properties: A wide variety of high-strength
tooth-coloured restorative materials, including laboratory-processed and
computer-milled ceramics, can be used with indirect techniques. These
have better physical properties than direct composite materials because
they are fabricated under relatively ideal laboratory conditions. For
CAD/CAM restorations, although some are fabricated chairside, the
materials themselves are manufactured under nearly ideal industrial
Variety of materials and techniques: Indirect
tooth-coloured restorations can be fabricated
with ceramics using traditional laboratory
processes or using chairside or laboratory
CAD/CAM methods.
Wear resistance: Ceramic
restorations are more wear
resistant than direct
composite restorations, an
especially important factor
when restoring large occlusal
areas of posterior teeth.
Reduced polymerization shrinkage: Polymerization shrinkage and its resulting
stresses are a major shortcoming of direct composite restorations. With
indirect techniques, the bulk of the preparation is filled with the indirect
tooth-coloured restoration, and stresses are reduced because little resin
cement is used during cementation. Although shrinkage of resin materials in
thin bonded layers can produce relatively high stress, clinical studies indicate
ceramic inlays and onlays have better marginal adaptation, anatomic form,
colour match, and overall survival rates than do direct composite restorations.
Support of remaining tooth structure: Teeth weakened by caries, trauma, or preparation can be strengthened
by adhesively bonding indirect tooth-coloured restorations. The reduced polymerization shrinkage stress
associated with the indirect technique also is desirable when restoring such weakened teeth.
More precise control of contours and contacts: Indirect techniques usually provide better contours
(especially proximal contours) and occlusal contacts than do direct restorations because of the improved access
and visibility outside the mouth.
Biocompatibility and good tissue response: Ceramics are considered chemically inert materials with
excellent biocompatibility and soft tissue response. The pulpal biocompatibility of the indirect techniques
is related more to the resin cements than to the ceramic materials used.
Increased auxiliary support: Most
indirect techniques allow the
fabrication of the restoration to be
delegated totally or partially to the
dental laboratory. Such delegation
allows for more efficient use of the
dentist’s time.
Increased cost and time: Most indirect techniques, except for chairside CAD/CAM methods, require two
patient appointments plus fabrication of a provisional restoration. These factors, along with laboratory fees,
contribute to the higher cost of indirect restorations in comparison with direct restorations. Although indirect
tooth-coloured inlays and onlays are more expensive than amalgam or direct composite restorations, they are
usually less costly than more invasive aesthetic alternatives such as all-ceramic or porcelain-fused-to-metal
(PFM) crowns.
Technique sensitivity: Restorations made
using indirect techniques require a high
level of operator skill. A devotion to
excellence is necessary during
preparation, impression, try-in, bonding,
and finishing the restoration.
Difficult try-in and delivery: Indirect composite restorations can be polished intraorally using the same
instruments and materials used to polish direct composites, although access to some marginal areas can be
difficult. Ceramics are more difficult to polish because of potential resin-filled marginal gaps and the hardness of
the ceramic surfaces.
Brittleness of ceramics: A ceramic restoration can
fracture if the preparation does not provide
adequate thickness to resist occlusal forces or if
the restoration is not appropriately supported by
the resin cement and the preparation. With
weaker ceramic materials, fractures can occur
even during try-in and bonding procedures.
Wear of opposing dentition and restorations:
Some ceramic materials can cause excessive
wear of opposing enamel or restorations.
Improvements in materials have reduced this
problem, but ceramics, particularly if rough and
unpolished, can wear opposing teeth and
Short clinical track record: Compared with traditional
methods such as cast gold or even amalgam restorations,
bonded indirect tooth-coloured restorations have a
relatively short record of clinical service. They have
become popular only in recent years, and relatively few
controlled clinical trials are available, although these are
increasing in number.
Low potential for repair: When a partial fracture occurs in a ceramic inlay or onlay, repair is usually not a
definitive treatment. The actual procedure (mechanical roughening, etching with hydrofluoric [HF] acid, and
application of a silane coupling agent before restoring with adhesive and composite) is relatively simple.
However, because many ceramic inlays and onlays are indicated in areas where occlusal wear, aesthetics, and
fracture resistance are important, composite repairs frequently are not appropriate or successful.