

GCSE Business Studies Mapa Mental sobre recruitment, creado por Renee Pink Campbell el 08/05/2019.
Renee Pink Campbell
Mapa Mental por Renee Pink Campbell, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Renee Pink Campbell
Creado por Renee Pink Campbell hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. types of recruitment
    1. applicant
      1. name given to a person when they apply to a job
      2. internal recruitment
        1. recruiting people who already works in the business
        2. external recruitment
          1. recruiting people from outside the business
          2. temporary
            1. for an amount of time
            2. permenant
              1. until a person that person decides to leave the job
            3. reasons to recruit
              1. employee leaving
                1. extra work
                  1. different work
                    1. sickness
                      1. high turnover
                        1. maternity cover
                        2. internal recruitment
                          1. the person who gets recruited will already be a part of the business
                            1. the person will therefore know how everything works
                            2. this also gives workers a chance for promotions
                              1. advantages
                                1. cheap advertisement
                                  1. all candidattes know the orginization
                                    1. smaller list of people to chose from
                                      1. encouragement for workers
                                      2. diadvantages
                                        1. limited choices
                                          1. the change may effect other emplyees
                                            1. employees may not be used to their new roles
                                              1. the person who gets promoted will leave a space
                                            2. external recruitment
                                              1. advantages
                                                1. high number of candidates
                                                  1. candidates may have new ideas
                                                    1. new skills
                                                    2. disadvantages
                                                      1. takes longer
                                                        1. people may not be as they seem
                                                          1. more expensive to advertise
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