Allotropes of carbon and nanochemistry


Mapa Mental sobre Allotropes of carbon and nanochemistry, creado por avmorgan el 28/08/2013.
Mapa Mental por avmorgan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por avmorgan hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Allotropes of carbon and nanochemistry
  1. Diamond and graphite properties
    1. Graphite
      1. Insoluble in water
        1. Very high melting point
          1. Lower than diamond
            1. Has weak bonds
          2. Conducts electricity
            1. Soft & Slippery
              1. Lustrous
                1. Opaque & Black
                2. Diamond
                  1. Transparent
                    1. Very hard
                      1. Very high melting point
                        1. Doesn't conduct electricity
                          1. Insoluble in water
                            1. Lustrous (Shiny)
                              1. Colourless
                            2. Structure
                              1. Diamond
                                1. All 4 electrons in a strong covalent bond
                                2. Graphite
                                  1. weak intermolecular forces
                                    1. Strong covalent bonds
                                      1. Hexagonol rings
                                        1. Only 3 electrons in bond
                                          1. The fourth electron is free (delocalized)
                                            1. Soft layers - easily broken
                                          2. Buckminsterfullerene
                                            1. Hexagonol & Pentagonal rings
                                              1. Conducts electricity
                                            2. Allotrope
                                              1. Same element but different arrangement of atoms
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