Complex Experimental Design


Mapa Mental sobre Complex Experimental Design, creado por Mahir Mohiuddin el 20/12/2014.
Mahir Mohiuddin
Mapa Mental por Mahir Mohiuddin, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Mahir Mohiuddin
Creado por Mahir Mohiuddin hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Complex Experimental Design
  1. Assignment Procedures
    1. Independent groups design
      1. All Independent Variables (IV) are manipulated as independents


        •          1  1   A 2  
        1. Image Shown Here
      2. Repeated measures design
        1. All IV's are manipulated and measures are repeated
          1. Image Shown Here
        2. Mixed factorial design
          1. One IV is manipulated in a independent group design
            1. Image Shown Here
            2. One IV is manipulated in a Repeated Measure Design
              1. Image Shown Here
          2. Increasing the complexity!
            1. The more complex the design, the more difficult it is to interpret
              1. Known as higher order factorials: more than two independent variables
                1. Notated like this ________x__________
                  1. The number of IV
                    1. The number of levels of each of the IV
                      1. Examples of higher order factorials
                        1. 2X3 Factorial Design
                            1. 2 X 2 X 2 Factorial Design
                              1. 8 Conditions
                                  1. For this design, you will have to look into more relationships since there is more IV
                                    1. Two-Way Interactions
                                      1. Instruction Method X Gender, Gender x Class Size, Instruction Method x Class Size
                                      2. Three way Interactions
                                        1. Instruction Method x Gender x Class Size
                                    2. In order to graph a Three-Way Interactions,you will need to make two side-by-side line graphs
                                      1. Online X Class Size X Gender
                                        1. Face-to-Face x Class Size x Gender
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