Member Experience Evolution


Future workstream possibilities for Member Experience Evolution program.
Michael Thomas
Mapa Mental por Michael Thomas, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Michael Thomas
Creado por Michael Thomas hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Member Experience Evolution
  1. Trusted Advisor
    1. IDing Behaviors
      1. Competency Review
        1. Focus Groups
        2. How to coach behaviors
          1. Quality
            1. Supervisors
              1. AMs
                1. MSR Mentors
                2. How to train behaviors
                  1. New Employee
                    1. Training Bytes
                      1. Skills Advancement
                        1. level up/gamification
                        2. Career Path
                          1. Tenure
                            1. Number of skills
                              1. Use of tools
                                1. Measurement
                                2. Agent Resume (Genesys)
                                  1. Genesys
                                    1. HR - How we hire
                                      1. Job Description
                                    2. Contractors?
                                      1. How to use
                                        1. How to instill culture
                                        2. PARs?
                                          1. Expectations of knowledge around Products and Services that aren't part of skill.
                                            1. Align with Genesys?
                                            2. Systems Discovery
                                              1. What does an ideal system do?
                                                1. Focus groups with MSRs and Leaders
                                                2. Where do certain features become housed?
                                                  1. Referrals
                                                    1. Marketing Info
                                                      1. Other MSRs
                                                      2. Measurement
                                                        1. CCO's piece of the pie
                                                          1. Individual stats vs. branch
                                                            1. Qualitative
                                                              1. Offers vs. fulfillment
                                                              2. Personetics?
                                                              3. Tools
                                                                1. Manuals?
                                                                  1. Manual Optimziation
                                                                    1. USD
                                                                      1. How to use effectively
                                                                      2. Wizards & Calculators
                                                                        1. Governance
                                                                          1. Maintenance
                                                                            1. Compliance
                                                                              1. Creation
                                                                              2. Trackers
                                                                                1. POA
                                                                                  1. Call
                                                                                  2. Infor
                                                                                    1. Infor Refresh
                                                                                      1. CCO Specific
                                                                                        1. Featured Offers
                                                                                          1. Situational
                                                                                          2. USD
                                                                                          3. Products and Services Toolkit?
                                                                                            1. Comments Generator?
                                                                                            2. Right conversation at the right time
                                                                                              1. Align with "Know Me", "Show Me", "Help Me", "Reassure Me"?
                                                                                              2. Branding? - Visibility/Awareness
                                                                                                1. What is being covered by other efforts?
                                                                                                  1. Define Philosophy
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