Religious Studies: Crime and Punishment


Mapa Mental sobre Religious Studies: Crime and Punishment, creado por Kim Kusman el 08/01/2015.
Kim Kusman
Mapa Mental por Kim Kusman, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kim Kusman
Creado por Kim Kusman hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Religious Studies: Crime and Punishment
  1. Examples of crime
    1. Fraud
      1. Murder
        1. Sexual assult
          1. Theft
            1. Child Abuse
            2. Religious Attitudes
              1. old testament
                1. 'an eye for an eye'
                2. new testament
                  1. 'love your enemies'
                    1. '70x7'
                  2. Death Penalty
                    1. For
                      1. Justice
                        1. Sends a message to show crime is taken seriously
                          1. Protects the public
                            1. No punishment is harsh enough than the death penalty
                            2. Against
                              1. Wrongly convicted?
                                1. Getting off punishment easily
                                  1. You are just as bad as the person by killing them
                                2. Examples of punishment
                                  1. prion/jail
                                    1. fines
                                      1. death
                                        1. torture
                                          1. water boarding
                                            1. community servie
                                              1. detention center
                                              2. 5 aims of punishment
                                                1. Reform
                                                  1. to make people better
                                                  2. Retribution
                                                    1. you deserve it
                                                    2. Deterrance
                                                      1. puts people off doing it in the future
                                                      2. Protection
                                                        1. Vindication
                                                          1. people don't respect the rules if there is no punishment attatched
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