Byzantine Empire- The Dark Ages


Mapa Mental sobre Byzantine Empire- The Dark Ages, creado por BENJAMIN WELLS el 08/01/2015.
Mapa Mental por BENJAMIN WELLS, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por BENJAMIN WELLS hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Byzantine Empire- The Dark Ages
  1. 533 AD
    1. The Romans marched from Constantinople to Conquer Western Europe
      1. At the time, former Roman strongholds were ruled by the barbarians
        1. The light of the Roman empire still shined in places like Greece, Turkey, and Egypt
          1. Those territories were still commanded by Roman emperors, protected by Roman troops, and reaping all the benefits of Roman technology and trade.
      2. 3rd Century
        1. The Roman Empire split in half, each half governed by its own emperor
          1. This system allowed both halves to respond to crisis quickly
            1. However, this split left the West at a disadvantage, it didn't have the resources the the east side had.
              1. Before the split, the wealth of the east could prop up the West. So the West now had to stand a fall on its own
        2. 527 AD
          1. The ambitious Emperor Justinian came to power in the east.
            1. Justinian resolved to export the dream of the Roman Empire back to the territories from which it originally came from
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