How is Upper Class Identity Created & Reinforced?


The agent, the two points with evidence to support them both followed by a evaluation = 17 marker.
Mapa Mental por RabiaIman:), actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por RabiaIman:) hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

How is Upper Class Identity Created & Reinforced?
  1. Family
    1. Is by immersing their children into high culture practices which clearly distinguishes them from individuals in lower social classes.
      1. BOURDIEU
      2. Using their economic capital to afford their children privileges that other social classes may not have access to.
        2. However, the lack of evidence on the upper classes may mean that generalisations are being made about upper class families.
        3. Education
          1. By delivering a curriculum which is based on the dominant culture. Thus providing them with an advantage in education
            1. BOURDIEU
            2. Is by enabling the upper class to establish links which later become an old boy network.
              1. SCOTT
              2. However, we must not ignore that gender and ethnicity may have an even greater impact on identity & school experience
              3. Peer group
                1. By practicing social closure i.e. they maintain their high positions and status within the social hierarchy by restricting peer group membership to just the upper class
                  1. BOURDIEU (SOCIAL CAPITAL)
                  2. Is through the creation of an old boys network which grants economic and cultural advantages on its members.
                    1. SCOTT
                    2. However, other agents of socialisation such as family and education may have more of an effect on class identity compared to the peer group
                    3. Media
                      1. By transmitting the idea that high culture practices are the most desirable within society
                        1. STRINATI.
                        2. By dictating what is published and broadcasted in the news and this is often what they deem to be important in society.
                          1. NEO MARXISTS
                          2. However, several studies have pointed out that media images are not uncritically internalised by people; they are negotiated and sometimes resisted
                          3. Workplace
                            1. By gaining economic and cultural capital on its members by awarding them with the most influential posts in society.
                              1. SOCTT (Old boys network)
                              2. Through the practice of self recruitment where the upper class recruit their own children for the best jobs.
                                1. GLASS AND HALSEY
                                2. However, postmodernists argue that social class is no longer the main factor in haping identity in contemporary society.
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