3k - Mobile Phone Networks


Mapa Mental sobre 3k - Mobile Phone Networks, creado por James Dove el 12/01/2015.
James Dove
Mapa Mental por James Dove, actualizado hace más de 1 año
James Dove
Creado por James Dove hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

3k - Mobile Phone Networks
  1. Mobile Stations (MS)
    1. For example, a mobile phone
    2. Base Station Transceivers (BST)
      1. Often known as mobile phone masts
        1. Gives signal coverage to an area known as a cell
        2. Base Station Controller
          1. This manages the communication between a set of BSTs and MSCs
          2. Mobile Switching Centre (MSC)
            1. This controls the calls taking place on the mobile telephone network
            2. Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
              1. When a call is being made from one mobile phone company to another mobile phone company or to a landline, then the call needs to go through the PSTN
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