Report structure


Masters EBI Mapa Mental sobre Report structure, creado por g.pmturner el 01/09/2013.
Mapa Mental por g.pmturner, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por g.pmturner hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Report structure
  1. 1st Initiative
    1. Why you chose that idea (rather than any others you could have chosen), this will probably include some discussion of the inquiries into your workplace that made you think a new way of acting would be helpful.
      1. What happened when you took action, using that idea? Did your action make a difference? Did it solve a problem or improve the situation? What evidence did you gather that persuaded you that the action had been beneficial or not?
      2. Rich picture depicting confusion/stakeholders
        1. B716 has helped with getting thinking clear, confidence, mentor, appreciating functions rather than taking personally. Working too hard and expecting others to as well. Work is my life.
          1. 2 initiatives to focus on: 1 - risk analysis; 2 - stakeholder/balance of project dimensions
            1. triangulation of evidence - your impression, other people's points of view, their own impression
              1. look for contridictions, what didn't fit into model
                1. give report a title
                  1. your journey through B716 trials and tribulations
                    1. theory - selecting - applying - evaluating
                      1. had to learn this and this is what i did
                        1. this is what i learnt
                          1. this is what i will do in the future
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                            Técnicas de Expresión Oral
                            Camilo Ospina
                            Diego Santos
                            Arte Egipcio
                            maya velasquez
                            Andrea Lopez Riv
                            Mapa Mental Administración Financiera
                            Cristian Neftalí
                            RAMAS DE LA GEOGRAFIA
                            ROSA MARIA ARRIAGA
                            Sistema Nervioso
                            Carlos Enrique Armas Montoro
                            Sistema de procesamiento en Bases de datos
                            mapa conceptual
                            giovanny toro
                            Texto Narrativo
                            Diana Banda