Module 5.1 Energy Around you


By Ameena
Ameena Ahmed
Mapa Mental por Ameena Ahmed, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ameena Ahmed
Creado por Ameena Ahmed hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Module 5.1 Energy Around you
  1. Forms of energy:
    1. Kinetic energy
      1. Energy possessed by a moving object
      2. Heat energy
        1. A measure of the total Kinetic energy possessed by particles in a substance.
        2. Light energy
          1. A form of energy that is visible such as produced by the sun
          2. Sound energy
            1. energy that travels as vibrating waves and can be heard by ears
            2. Electrical energy
              1. energy that causes charged particles to move
            3. Potential Energy
              1. Gavitartional potential energy
                1. The stored energy of an object that is held above the earths surface
                2. Chemical energy
                  1. energy stored within a substance such as food and fuel that may be released when the substance is burnt or digested.
                  2. Elastic potential energy
                    1. energy stored within a stretched or compressed object such as spring or elastic material
                    2. Nucleus energy
                      1. Energy stored inside a atom
                    3. Heat transfer
                      1. Conduction
                        1. Heat transfer between two objects in contact
                        2. Convection
                          1. The transfer of heat in a liquid to a gas
                          2. Radiation
                            1. Heat transfer as a wave which can even travel through a vacuum of space
                          3. Energy Transformation
                            1. energy can be transferred from one object to another Energy can also be changed or transformed from one type of energy into another.
                              1. Whenever you watch Tv ,LIisten to music and play on your console you are relying on energy transformation
                            2. THE LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY
                              1. energy can never be created or destroyed
                                1. instead energy is conserved
                              2. A big Thank U!!!
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