TESCO: Developing appropiate leadership styles


Mapa Mental sobre TESCO: Developing appropiate leadership styles, creado por zarolica el 01/09/2013.
Mapa Mental por zarolica, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por zarolica hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

TESCO: Developing appropiate leadership styles
  1. Atract New Customers
    1. Satisfied customer, good for business
    2. to keep its existing customers happy
      1. create customer loyalty
      2. Management skills
        1. Getting things done
          1. Manage resources
            1. Communicate this approach
              1. some, allow take decitions
              2. Leadership skills
                1. Empower
                  1. Productivity
                    1. special Characteristics
                      1. Leader
                        1. Confident
                          1. styles
                            1. Autocratic
                              1. "I tell" Philosophy
                                1. What to Do
                              2. Democratic
                                1. "I share" Philosophy
                                  1. Decisions whole team
                                2. Laissez-faire
                                  1. "hand-off" Philosophy
                                    1. Trust
                                3. Delegation
                                4. Philosphy: opportunity to get on
                                  1. Great place to work
                                    1. Action
                                      1. "the most effective leaders adopt a style appropriate for the situation"
                                        1. TASK
                                          1. Tradition
                                            1. TEAM
                                              1. Aware wrong style
                                                1. Consequences
                                                2. External Factor
                                                  1. Internal Factors
                                                3. INSPIRATIONAL
                                                  1. CREATIVE
                                                    1. INNOVATIVE
                                                      Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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                                                      M.Encina SF
                                                      Inglés - Conjugación Verbos Irregulares
                                                      María Salinas
                                                      31012: LENGUAJE Y COMUNICACIÓN.
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