1.8 | Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Concerns| Legislations


M Onje
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M Onje
Creado por M Onje hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

1.8 | Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Concerns| Legislations
  1. The Data Protection Act 1998
    1. Covers how personal data may be used by companies.
      1. People who collect personal data need to register with the Information Commissioner.
        1. What does it cover?
          1. What can be collected.
            1. How long it can be kept for.
              1. Steps to keep it up to date/accurate.
                1. Sending and using the data.
                  1. Who can see the data.
                  2. What are the 8 pinciples?
                    1. Lawfully obtained
                      1. Accurate
                        1. Kept no longer than required
                          1. Secure
                            1. Transferred to another country
                          2. Computer Misuse Act 1990
                            1. Designed to protect computer users against attacks and theft of information.
                              1. There are 3 levels.
                                1. 1. Unauthorised access to a computer system.
                                  1. 2. Unauthorised access with intent to a computer system.
                                    1. 3. Unauthorised Access with intent to change a computer system.
                                      1. eg. alter data
                                  2. Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988
                                    1. Protects people’s written, dramatic, musical, film, broadcasts property .
                                      1. Makes it an offence to copy or distribute other people’s intellectual property without permission.
                                      2. Creative Commons Licence
                                        1. Allows people with protected work to allow free distribution of the work.
                                          1. They may allow commercial or non-commercial use of their work.
                                          2. Freedom of Information Act 2000
                                            1. This allows members of the public to access information that is held by public services.
                                              1. Public Services are required to publish information under this Act.
                                                1. Members of the public can request information under this Act.
                                                  1. What public services is it held by?
                                                    1. Police
                                                      1. Fire
                                                        1. Health Care
                                                          1. Secondary Schools
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