Role of the Church


Role of the Church. Includes; quotes, charities/organisations, structure and key words.
Joseph Gill
Mapa Mental por Joseph Gill, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Joseph Gill
Creado por Joseph Gill hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Role of the Church
  1. Key Terms/Word *=key word
    1. Agape- the Greek word for love
      1. *Church*- holy people of God, building where Christians worship
        1. Fellowship- the community of Christians sharing together, Koinonia (Christian value)
          1. Convert- committed to religion, or changed faiths (e.g Muslim to Christian)
            1. *Evangelism*- 'good news', spreading the gospel
              1. Great Commission- important job (e.g spreading the word of Jesus/god
                1. *Mission*- calling of a religious organisation, to go in the world and spread the word of Jesus
                  1. Missionary- a person sent on a religious mission, preach or work for a charity, (sometimes to another country)
                    1. *Persecution*- hostility, due to race, political or religious beliefs.
              2. Discipleship- helping Christians develop faith, follower of jesus
                1. Pastoral Care- giving emotional and spiritual help
                  1. *Street Pastors*- volunteers who aim to help and care for people in need.
                2. *Reconciliation*- restore friendly relations after a conflict, a sacrament in the roman catholic church
              3. Structure
                1. FOCUAS ON THE WORDS OF THE QUESTION! (4+5 mark)
                  1. LINK TO QUESTION (12 MARK)
                      2. 2-3 DEVELOPED POINTS (12 MARK)
                        1. EVALUATE (THIS ARGUMENT IS STRONG/WEAK...
                          1. 4 MARK- state the belief, explain, explain more, state something else about the belief, explain, explain more.
                            1. 5 MARK= state belief, explain, explain more, state something else about the belief, explain, explain more, INCLUDE A QUOTE
                              1. **12 MARK**= some people think, other people think, I think, 2/3 developed arguments (3 for, 3 against), INCLUDE RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS AND QUOTES (LINK TO QUESTION), keep linking, include judgements (this is the strongest argument because..)
                          2. Charities/Organisations
                            1. Church Missionary Society (MISSION)
                              1. Working with protestants
                                1. Love of Christ renews people and places
                                2. Worldwide: America, Europe, Africa
                                  1. *MAIN FOCUS*= Tell people about Jesus
                                3. Barnabas Fund (PERSECUTION)
                                  1. International Christian aid & support
                                    1. Strengthen People
                                      1. 88% of funds given to Christians
                                        1. 70,000 individuals being fed worldwide in 14 countries
                                          1. 14,450 people being educated in 12 countries
                                        2. Christians forgive persecutors
                                          1. 15,000+ pastors
                                          2. Support more than 12,000 people
                                          3. Corrymeela (RECONCILIATION)
                                            1. Help families and groups
                                              1. 11,000+ people in programme
                                                1. 40+ full-time staff members
                                                  1. Work with youth and school groups
                                                    1. Power of telling each other
                                                2. Explore ways to get away from violence
                                                  1. Brings people together
                                                    1. Peace + Reconciliation Centres
                                            2. Middle East Media (MISSION)
                                              1. Uses media to spread the love of God
                                                1. Animations for different faiths
                                                  1. Works through social media help everyone
                                                    1. Creative media: Social, videos, magasines, newspapers
                                                  2. Translate the bible into different languages (middle east languages)
                                                    1. Christian Solidarity (RECONCILIATION)
                                                      1. Human Right charity, persecution, protection
                                                        1. 20+ countries
                                                          1. Founded in the 1970s
                                                            1. The charity offers young people an education
                                                              1. Stand with all, to create justice
                                                  3. Teachings of Jesus
                                                    1. Forgive him 'Seventy times 7'
                                                      1. MEANING IN MY WORDS= Forgive people as many times as you need. Always forgive
                                                        1. CHANGING CHRISTIANS= They will keep forgiving people and guiding them
                                                        2. The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
                                                          1. MY MEANING= Having compassion to forgive even if it's hard. Includes equality.
                                                            1. CHANGING CHRISTIANS= Everyone has sinned and been forgiven. So we need to forgive others like god has forgiven us
                                                          2. Lords Prayer
                                                            1. MY MEANING= Asking God to forgive humans as we have forgiven other Christians
                                                              1. CHANGING CHRISTIANS= Making sure they forgive others so God will forgive them
                                                              2. 'Blessed are the peacemakers'
                                                                1. MY MEANING= People who forgive are peacemakers because they're stopping conflicts and will be blessed by God.
                                                                  1. CHANGING CHRISTIANS= They will stop conflicts so they can be blessed by God and they'll become peace makers.
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