Control of Gene Expression


Principles of Molecular Biology Mapa Mental sobre Control of Gene Expression, creado por Daniel Elandix G el 02/09/2013.
Daniel Elandix G
Mapa Mental por Daniel Elandix G, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Daniel Elandix G
Creado por Daniel Elandix G hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Control of Gene Expression


  • Control can occur at the level of transcription or at the level of translation.
  1. Level at Transcription


    • The energy required to generate genes is not efficient, hence it only expressed when needed.
    1. Structure and Method of Replication


      1. Inducible: lac


        • Binding of proteins to DNA. The binding of proteins to DNA determines whether a gene is expressed or not. Small molecules determined if the protein interacts with the DNA.
        1. lac


          • The lactose transported into the the cell by the lactose transporter, it then break down by p-galactosidase into glucose and galactose.
          1. Negative control


            • The genes are coordinately controlled. If there's presence of lactose, it is broken down to a galactoside which interact with a  the protein so to unbind it.
            1. CAP


              • Catabolite Activator Protein. This complexes with cAMP to bind with RNA polymerase to initiate transcription. cAMP and CAP complex is a positive effector.
              1. Mutations


                • Two types are: High level expression: 1. i- inactive repressor, hence the gene transcription/translation is unhindered due to the inability of the repressor to bind to the operator. 2. o- mutation to operator to disable the repressor to bind. No induction at all: 1. is: Inducer cannot bind to the repressor hence the repressor permanently binds to the operator 2. p- mutation to the promoter to prevent RNA polymerase to bind.
              2. Repressible: Trp
                1. Mechanism


                  • Repressor is generated by the i DNA sequence. RNA polymerase will bind if the repressor isn't bound to the protein. If there are levels of tryptophan detected, the tryptophan then bound to the repressor to bind to the
                  1. Attenuation


                    • Depending on binding, the site may change to bind with either the 2nd or 4th. If bound with tryptophan, shorter mRNA is generated, i.e 2 will bind with 3 where if there are no tryptophan mRNA generated will be long. 
                2. Eukaryotic Gene Expression


                  • Difference in the proaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression differs as so. More positive regulatory genes Larger more complex multimeric regulatory proteins Restricted by chromatin structure Transcription separated by time in space from translation in the cytoplasm.
                  1. Level of Control


                    • level of control can occur at different stages 7 possible stages: Transcription Posttranscriptional processing Translation Postranslational processing Protein degradation mRNA degradation Protein targeting and transport.
                    1. Typical Sequence of Genes


                      • TATA Box GC box CAAT box TO increase the level of transcription, there's a enhancer normally consisting of Hormone Response Element (hormone receptor protein plus hormone) They loop back to the the start zone to bind with a RNA Polymerase complex.
                      1. Transcription Factors


                        • Many transcription factors are needed and if all the necessary factors are present, the transcription can take place. Most important one is TFIIH or (Transcription Factor, Interacting with RNA polymerase II, H)
                        1. Action


                          • 2 actions: Helicase action and Signalling initiation of transcription TFIIH helicase activity, then COO domain of RNA polymerase II is phosphorylated by TFIIH, after termination, the RNA polymerase II is released and dephosphorylated and recycled.
                        2. Chromatin


                          • Chromatin acts negatively on gene expression, condensed chromatin and nucleosome prevent transcription by steric hindrance. Hence nucleosome needs to be removed or altered. Mostly by acetylation of histones where chromatin is activated for transcription by removing one nucleosome to allow gene expression 
                          1. Translational Control


                            • E.g control in the translation factors
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