Aesop's Fables


Mapa Mental sobre Aesop's Fables, creado por Victoria Prime el 02/09/2013.
Victoria Prime
Mapa Mental por Victoria Prime, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Victoria Prime
Creado por Victoria Prime hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Aesop's Fables
  1. Animals
    1. Lion
      1. Paws
        1. Big
        2. Nose
          1. Triangle shape
          2. Roar
            1. Open mouth
            2. Mane
              1. Shaggy
              2. Yellow and Orange
              3. Fox
                1. Orange and White
                  1. Nasty
                  2. Dog
                    1. Paws
                      1. Bark
                      2. Hare
                        1. Ears
                          1. Fast
                          2. Tortoise
                            1. Shell
                              1. Slow
                              2. Crow
                                1. Black and Orange
                                  1. Beak
                                2. Stories
                                  1. Tortoise and the Hare
                                    1. Race
                                      1. Finish line
                                        1. Tree
                                      2. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
                                        1. Young boy
                                          1. Wolf
                                            1. Animal
                                              1. Grey
                                            2. The Fox and the Crow
                                              1. Cheese
                                                1. Fox
                                                  1. Crow
                                                    1. Tree
                                                    2. The Lion and the Mouse
                                                      1. Lion
                                                        1. Mouse
                                                          1. Thorn
                                                            1. Paw
                                                              1. Forest
                                                                1. Trees
                                                                  1. Leaves
                                                                    1. Green
                                                            2. Children's Fiction
                                                              1. Bright colours
                                                                1. Primary colours
                                                                2. Fun
                                                                  1. Simple
                                                                  2. Nature
                                                                    1. Green
                                                                      1. Trees
                                                                        1. Water
                                                                          1. Rivers
                                                                            1. Lakes
                                                                              1. Sea
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