The Mughal Empire


Mapa Mental sobre The Mughal Empire, creado por Saba Tarrannum el 29/07/2019.
Saba Tarrannum
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Saba Tarrannum
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Resumen del Recurso

The Mughal Empire
  1. Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur (1526-30 CE)
    1. Timur on his paternal side & Chengiz khan on his maternal side. At the young age of 11, he succeeded his father to the throne of Farghana
      1. Battles
        1. He captured Kabul in 1504 CE
          1. 1524 CE Dault Khan Lodi Governor of Punjab asked Babur to help him defeat Ibrahim Lodi , the Sultan of Delhi
            1. The First Battle of Panipat fought on 21 April 1526 CE.
              1. Babur the master of central India
                1. Battle of Khanwa in 1527 CE, Babur defeated Rana Sanga
                  1. Babur was a brilliant military general, and elightened emperor, a hard taskmaster and a stern disciplinarian. He was deeply learned in Persian and Arabic, and one of the most famous writiers in the Turkish language. A keen naturalist ,
                    1. Autobiography : The Tuzuk-i0 Bauri is classic of world literature.
                      1. Babur died in Agra at the age of 47 on 5 January [O.S. 26 December 1530] 1531 and was succeeded by his eldest son, Humayun. He was first buried in Agra but, as per his wishes, his mortal remains were moved to Kabul and reburied in Bagh-e Babur in Kabul sometime between 1539–1544.
      2. Humayun (1530- 40 CE / 1555- 56 CE) Nasiruddin Muhammad
        1. Humayun,succeeded his father Babur as the emperor in 1530 CE.
          1. Humayun had to face the hostility
            1. Sher Shah Suri
            2. Battle : Battles of Chausa and Kanauj 1539 CE & 1540 CE
              1. Humayun flee to Kabul, took shelter under Safavid Shah (Persia ) Iran
                1. Sher Shah Suri Died in 1545 and his successors proved to be weak and incompetent.
                  1. Humayun recaptured Delhi and Agar in 1555
                    1. Died in 1556 due to injuries caused when he fell down the stairs of his librarty.
            3. Akbar (1556-1605 CE )
              1. Akbar was crowned the king with Bairam Khan as his regent. Born in 1542 at Amarkot when Humayun was in exile. His accession to the throne gave Hemu the genral of the Afghan leader Adil Shah Sur,
                1. Hemu became the master of Delhi for a short period but was eventually defeated and killed by Bairam Khan in the Second Battle of Panipat in 1556CE
                  1. Akbar freed himself from the guardianship of Bairam Khan and took the reins of the govenment in 1560 CE
                    1. Conquests
                      1. The mughal empire under Akbar extended from the himalayas in the north to Godavari in the soutj amd the Himdukush mountains in the northwest to river Brahmaputra in the east.
                        1. Control towards Malwa - 1561 CE . In 1572, Akbar occupied Ahmedabad and Surat. The defeat of the Afghan ruler, Daud Khan in the Battle of Rajmahal brought Bengal under the control of the Mughal empire. In the Deccan , Ahmdnagar m Khandesh and Berar were occupied by 1600- 1601
                          1. Relationship with the Rajputs
                            1. Matrimonial alliance with the Rajputs
                              1. Harkha Bai (Jodhbai) duaghter of Raja Bharmal of Amber
                                1. He assigned high posts to Rajput chiefs such as Raja Todar Mal and Man Singh in the army and adminstration
                                  1. Akbar 's Religious Policy
                                    1. Din-i- Liahi
                                      1. The best features of all the religions in a grand synthesis
                                      2. Sulh-i- Kul
                                        1. Universal Peace or
                                        2. Ibadat Khana
                                          1. Akbar Built a Hall of Prayer at Fatehpur Sikri in 1575
                      2. Akbar's reign is recorded in history as the Golden Age of the Mughal Empire
                        1. Akbar 27 October 1605, Fatehpur Sikri due to illness
                          1. Jahangir (1605-27 CE)
                            1. He brought an end to four - decade long struggle with Mewar by defeating RAna Amar Singh in 1615 Ce,
                              1. During his reign, people from Europe visited India with the aim of securing trade concessions.
                                1. Jahangir granted permission to set up a factory at Surat.
                              2. Jahangir's twentieth wife Nur Jahan (Mehrunissa)
                                1. She promoted her family members to improtant post in the administration. She struck coins in her name during Jahangir reign.
                                2. He was deeply fascinated by art and architecture, keen naturalist and a birdwatcher.
                                  1. Autobiography Tuzuk-i Jahangiri
                                    1. Jahangir died on the journey from Kashmir to Lahore, near Sarai Saadabad in Bhimber in 1627.
                                      1. Shah Jahan (1627-58 CE) Prince Khurram
                                        1. The Padshahnama (Chronicle of the Emperor) official history of Shah Jahan's Reign.
                                          1. Shah Jahan Administration and Military Campaigns
                                            1. Agar, Lahore, Delhi and Ahmednagar were connected to trading activities through a network of roads.
                                            2. Mumtaz Mahal
                                              1. The grand and beautiful Taj Mahal at Agra was built in the memory of Mumtaz
                                              2. Struggle for succession began among Dara Shikoh , Shuja, Murad and Aurangzeb,
                                                1. Aurangzeb emerged successful and occupied the throne in 1658 ,
                                                  1. Aurangzeb (1658-1707 CE)
                                                    1. He ruled India for almost 50 years and adopted the title Alamgir (Conqoeror of the World)
                                                      1. Religious policy brought him in conflict with the nnth Sikh Guru Teg Bahadur
                                                        1. He also undertook a series of unpopluar meaures such as the re-imposition of taz, jizta on non - muslims
                                                          1. His death in 1707,virtually marked the end of the Great Mughals
                                                            1. Bahadur Shah eimerged victorious and ascended the throne in 1707 CE
                                                              1. Many provinces broke away from the enpire and established themselves as independent kingdoms
                                                  2. Shah Jahan became Aurangzeb's prisoner at Agra Fort in 1658 and died in 1666
                              3. Founder of the Mughal Empire
                                1. Mughal Administration
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