The Extended Marketing Mix


The Extended Marketing Mix Mapa Mental sobre The Extended Marketing Mix, creado por james.bowditch el 02/09/2013.
Mapa Mental por james.bowditch, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por james.bowditch hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Extended Marketing Mix
  1. People
    1. Physical evidence
      1. Process Management
        1. Co-ordinated approach
          1. Characteristics/implications
            1. Customer Satisfaction and Effective Competition
              1. Compatible and Co-ordinated
                1. Service Quality
                  1. Target Market
                    1. Tactical Competitive Activities- people asset
                    2. Impact of other elements of the marketing mix
                      1. Relationship Marketing
                        1. Customer Retention
                          1. Customer Defection
                            1. Relationship Management
                              1. B2C
                                1. B2B
                                  1. KAM
                                    1. Internal Marketing
                                  2. CRM
                                    1. What is CRM?
                                      1. CRM is not
                                        1. Developments in CRM
                                          1. Loyalty Cards
                                            1. Customer Community
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