
Mapa Mental sobre ASSESSMENT AND NEGOTIATION OF TECHNOLOGY, creado por Javier Suarez el 28/08/2019.
Javier Suarez
Mapa Mental por Javier Suarez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Javier Suarez
Creado por Javier Suarez hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Unit 1- Intellectual Property
    1. Intellectual property and business
      1. The Power of Intangible Assets.
      2. Intellectual Property Must Be Protected
        1. The reason
        2. Intellectual Property
          1. From Creation to Commercialisation
            1. A Practical Guide for Innovators & Researchers
              1. Forms of Intellectual Property. Oak Tree Press.
              2. Tips from an Intellectual Property Lawyer.
                1. Research Methodology : A Project Guide for University Students
              3. Unit 2 - Technology Valuation
                1. Theoretical and Methodological Considerations Regarding the Evaluation of Intangible Assets.
                  1. Contemporary Readings in Law & Social
                  2. Intellectual Property
                    1. From Creation to Commercialisation
                      1. A Practical Guide for Innovators & Researchers
                        1. Valuation of Intellectual Property. Oak Tree Press
                      2. Intangible Assets
                        1. Valuation and Economic Benefit
                          1. Valuation Methods.
                          2. How Much Cash Does Your Company Need? Harvard Business Review
                        2. Unit 3 - Technology Negotiation
                          1. How to Overcome the Top Ten Negotiating Tactics
                            1. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) & International Trade Centre (ITC)
                              1. Exchanging Value – Negotiating Technology Licenses, A Training Manual
                              2. Intellectual Property
                                1. From Creation to Commercialisation
                                  1. A Practical Guide for Innovators & Researchers. Negotiation and Licensing
                                2. Environmental determinants
                                  1. Technologic Contracts
                                  2. Measuring the Strategic Readiness of Intangible Assets.
                                    1. Control the Negotiation Before It Begins.
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